Historic Structure Reports - The holistic documentation of a resource's needs and the development of a report that serves as a roadmap for the sensitive restoration of the historic resource.
National Register of Historical Places Nomination - Research and documentation of a site's significance and integrity to create a nomination allowing a property to be included in the National Register.
Tax Credit Projects - Guiding rehabilitation projects through the Historic Tax Credit Review Process allowing a property owner to receive significant financial gains from their project.
Easement Documentation & Monitoring - Provide on site documentation and annual monitoring of preservation easements on significant historic properties.
Façade Restoration Research - Conduct archival and on site forensic analysis for the sensitive restoration of a building's façade.
Revolving Fund Acquisition/ Promotion - Assessment of potential revolving fund acquisitions and identification stabilization priorities.
Design Guidelines - Development of community specific design guidelines to provide a basis for a local review board to safeguard their communities character.
Preservation Project Management/ Consultation - Provide reliable on site project management for preservation construction projects that cuts down on errors and costly changes and repairs.
District Expansion - The addition of more properties in an already established historic district.
Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Documentation - In depth measurement of a building and its elements used to create accurate plans and detailed drawings of the building for archival purposes.
Resource Surveys - Surveys of the buildings in a particular area to establish which are contributing or non-contributing to a potential district.
Resource History Research - Research into the ownership and developmental history of a building and or site.
Cemetery Documentation/ Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey – Used to locate unmarked graves or subsurface resources like foundations or wells.
Section 106 Review - Review for compliance with section 106 of the national historic preservation act to make sure a federal undertaking (using federal funds) avoids negatively effecting historic resources.
District Survey - Surveying a collection of sites or resources for the potential establishment of an historic district.
Contextual Infill/ Additions Consulting - Assisting in the design of additions or new construction that blend with the historic character of an historic neighborhood or community.
Municipal Consulting - Assisting local governments with preservation related issues.
Management Plans - Developing a proactive long term plan for the management of an historic site.
Marketing - Assisting a group in marketing the aspects of their site that are unique and will attract tourists.
Outreach - Assisting a group in expanding their mission and developing partnerships with other organizations in their community or their region.
Research - Researching the history and development of a groups historic site or other research related to a groups mission or programming.
Interpretation Plans - Assisting a group in expanding their mission and developing partnerships with other organizations in their community or their region.